Tuesday, 22.10.2024, 17:42
Personal site of Hero of Russia Mikhail Malakhov
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Was born October, 8, 1953 in village Kuzminskoe of Rybnovskiy area of the Ryazan region. Was graduated in the Ryazan medical institute in 1977, postgraduate study in 1980. Published more than twenty scientific works. Ph.D. in medicine.

Up to 1990 worked as the assistant to faculty of a tuberculosis of the Ryazan medical institute. In 1990 has organized company "Centre Pole”, in which worked till 2001. From the end of 2001 till May, 2003 worked in Ryazan Power Station as a Deputy of general director. Since May till December, 2003 - the deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation. Now is involved in few small businesses.

Polar explorer with more than 30 years experience. The first man who has set up a flag of Russia on North Pole. Was part of polar expedition of the newspaper "Komsomol’skaya Pravda”. Participated in work of 28-th Soviet Antarctic expedition. 16 times reached North Pole on skis. The doctor and the organizer of some the outstanding polar expeditions which not having analogues in a history and have received wide media coverrage in global and local press. Among them: expedition on the Pole of relative inaccessibility at polar night, 1986; joint Soviet-Canadian ski expedition«Polar bridge» on a route of the USSR - North Pole - Canada, 1988; the international expedition of the United Nations "Icewalk”, 1989; unsupported Arctic expeditions ”Weber-Malakhov North Pole expeditions”, 1992, 1995 г.г.

The author of some publications on polar subjects, the author of the book about the travels, issued in Canada. Repeatedly acted with lectures about the expeditions to USA, Canada, Mexico, England, Czech, Norway, France, Italy, Germany. The initiator and the leader of more than 20 large international projects in the field of medicine, ecology, culture, sports. Vice-president of Association of travelers of Russia. The honorable polar explorer. The honorable radio operator. The deserved master of sports of the USSR.

Since 1998 is engaged in cleaning of Antarctica Russian Base Bellinsghausen. The project "Mission Antarctica” was succeed in 4 years.

Has government awards of the USSR, the Russian Federation, Canada. Has official title "The Hero of the Russian Federation”. Honorable citizen of Ryazan. Was one of initiators of people-to-people democracy in Ryazan. With his help a plenty of the international projects is organized in the field of education, medicine, sports, ecology, tourism, a politics, the humanitarian help. The Honorable Citizen of Ryazan. Married, has two sons.  

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